
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to Make Fake Blood on the Cheap

Hey ya'll!

So, similar to times past, I was forced to be creative out of sheer necessity. Here was my dilemma: I had 1 hour and a Halloween party to go to.  Having already spoken to my loving man about various costume ideas, we settled on him going as a "Cereal Killer" and me going as his unsuspecting victim because it wouldn't require us buying anything new.  Nice!

So, here's what I figured out real quick- both of our costumes had the same problem- short of "accidentally" giving him a bloody nose, we didn't have any extra blood lying around the house.  Apparently all the blood in the house was currently in use. Go figure.  BUT I still needed blood for my throat and his prop.  Well, I don't know about you, but I'm a MexiCAN, not a MexiCAN'T so I followed an ancient Mexican secret passed down from generation to generation to, ensuring the survival of my people: I MacGuyvered it.

I gathered my supplies and you should too if you want to make this RIDICULOUSLY cheap and easy.....

You'll need:

1. Food coloring- red
2. Elmers Glue- white, NOT gel
3. Stirring apparatus
4. Non- porous/staining container
5. About 2 min


First, grab your bowl, stirrer (in this case, I used a dull steak knife), food coloring, and Elmers Glue.

In your bowl, drizzle Elmers Glue to equal about 1/2 to 3/4 of the amount you'll need.  I had a quarter-sized amount.

I'm not gonna lie, I was so focused on taking this shot that I completely forgot to count how many drops of food coloring I put in but I would estimate that it was between 15-20 (or more...or less...whatevs).  The point is that you can always err on the side of caution and add fewer drops then keep adding more until you achieve the deep red your going for. Now do you see why we added less glue in the first step?

Now, stir it up.

aaaaaaaaaaaand you're DONE!!! Bravo! Wasn't that so ridiculously simple?  I kind of felt like I should have taken longer cause I was literally done before I knew it.  It's like someone telling you to get in the car cause you're going for a ride, backing out then going to your neighbor's house...and you live in a condo.  It's so simple, you'll be bleeding before you know it! 


Apply a thin line of the liquid to your surface then use the tip of your stirrer to add a couple drops to strategic spots so that it starts to drip.

If you're going to use it later, cover it by placing saran wrap directly onto the mixture and be sure to  eliminate any air bubbles so it doesn't harden.

You could use this technique to create all kinds of fun crafts by switching out the red for other fun colors like, blue, purple, yellow, etc. Have fun! Go bananas! 

A couple safety tips and reminders

I don't know if this is safe for animals but for the love of all things adorable, DON'T PUT RED GLUE ON YOUR PET!!!  Don't. Just.....don't.

Please remember that some food coloring WILL stain clothing and even skin so be careful when applying it.  Don't believe me? Check out what happened after having this on my skin for only 6 minutes.


 Have fun and let me know what fun projects you're gong to use it on. Oh! Feel free to post links to pics showing how you used your Cheap-O Fake-O Blood :D

I was sooo super comfy as a "Cereal Killer's" unsuspecting victim!  I wore my bathrobe, fuzzy slippers, night gown, shorts, and my hair up in rollers.  Me and my fuzzy slippers were the envy of all the girls in their super-duper high heels!  Muahahahahahaha!!!! Suckeeeeeers!

Oh, and I totally FREAKED out my soon-to-be Mother-in-Law when I came into the room after having "slit my throat."  She looked up from grading papers, her eyes suddenly widened, she jumped, then shouted, "Oh my God!" and like a jerk I pointed and laughed because I LOVE scaring people! Muahahahahahh! Yes, I'm evil.

Til next time,


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