Hell yes!
But let's face it, more than being selfish, I'm being lazy. I start to think about all the writing, and the photo editing and the blah blah blah I have to go through to write a post. So, here's the deal I'm making with myself (cause, let's be real, at this stage in my blog, I'm talking to an empty room, hahaha): I will not spend more than 10 minutes editing photos & I'm going to try and edit them right in my phone cause my phone's a bad ass like that.
So, with that in mind, here's the most exciting thing that happened this past week.
Anyway, we tried with scissors and couldn't see very well because of all the hair in the way. Pulling out the big guns we used my man's hair clippers to shave off most of the hair on his foot. I tried convincing my man to let me give Dexter one of these hair cuts but I lost so Dexter got to keep his dignity.
Anyhoo, that worked pretty well and we noticed that there was something sticking out of his paw a bit but couldn't tell if it was a scab or what.
We ended up soaking his paw in warm water to try and soften the dry blood. Low and behold, after 5 minutes of getting my carpet wet, we were able to pull out something that looked like puss or goo. But it was neither puss, nor goo. Oh no, friends, it was, instead a 1/2 inch seed from either a Rabbitfoot polypogon, Quackgrass, or possible Foxtail barley- which are all weeds common in California. He must have gotten it on one of his morning or evening walks around the neighborhood. Poor baby :(
Anyway, we poured a little bit of peroxide into the hole from which it came to make sure it wouldn't get infected and he's fine now.
The silver lining? He now has a place to plug in his head phones.
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